Online safety
Wed, 21/08/2024 (2:00 pm - 3:30 pm)
Online safety
This session will be delivered in English. If you would like to access the session with a Welsh interpreter, please select yes on the registration form and we will make every effort to provide one.
What you’ll take away from the session:
This session will introduce you to foundation online safety skills that you can use to help others build strong safe foundations of online safety while learning digital skills:
- Keeping safe on websites.
- Understanding suspicious emails.
- Password safety.
- Understanding online privacy.
- Virus awareness.
- Finding reliable information online.
Along with the training we will also provide you with resources you can use to learn more about online safety.
Ticket Information
Online booking closed
Event Calendar
Wednesday, 21/08/2024
2:00 pm
3:30 pm